I am not a very mobility person in the travel. No matter is domestic or abroad, I will search a lot of information before I go to travel. Every trip is seldom to me. I do not want to spend too much time to stroll the Department store or souvenir shop this kind of place. I hope that may experience the custom and tradition of local.

    I can not control anything of the trip of Penghu in 2008, because that is staff travel. I just can follow. My friends always say I am not in the pictures and I do not buy souvenir. How can I prove I really go to those places They have no idea the best souvenir is the memory in my head.




 The dog doll is tour guide give to me so do not spend money. She works in the McDonald, she has a lot of toy of that.  


 This is sun sand. Do you see the sand just like radiate of sunThis should be one of Penghu ’s special products. This is also not spending money. That is a prize for corret answers.   


 The sun sand is form he---local tour guide form Cimei. He and his sister are selling sun sand this kind of stuff. He is a friend with  our real tour guide .


This is a badge. I give to a friend of want to make boyfriend so much.


This is give to a friend of easy sweat in a little bit of move.


This is for me. I am always at the condition which is short of money.



  Now, I want to talk about a store. It is an art store. The owner designs clothes or postcards in this shop. It is very incredible by that point.

     However, the owner also has some artist’s unique eccentric character. You can not take picture in the shop. I can accept that, maybe they afraid the design will be stolen.

    But I do not understand, why can we take a picture of their rabbits

    Besides have many slogans in the shop. Those slogans are not very well. If you want to earn money in the sightseeing area, should not give tourist feel goodIf your style are inviolable, why just only be an artist

    The deepest impression slogan meaning isDo not say too expensive, this behavior is not education. Oh my godThat is so specially. This is first time shop owner censure customers. In fact their products’price is higher than market price. OopsI do not educate.





   I bought a postcard in that shop.You do not allow me to take a picture in the store. I bought it alright. I bought this postcard because the words on it. Totally is me, I am always in lost situation.



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